20 hocking ladies




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Our Services

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brothels near me, coburg, coburg north, melbourne brothels
brothels near me, coburg, coburg north, melbourne brothels

20 minutes

Starting from $98

30 minutes

Starting from $135

45 minutes

Starting from $190

60 minutes

Starting from $240

brothels near me, coburg, coburg north, melbourne brothels
brothels near me, coburg, coburg north, melbourne brothels

About us

Located just ten minutes from the heart of Melbourne at 20 Hocking Street, Coburg North, our establishment is dedicated to providing an extraordinary experience for our valued clients. 
Discover exquisite gems and delights crafted to fulfill your deepest desires. With us, you can enjoy evenings filled with seduction and moments of bliss. Have you been yearning for that special touch of ecstasy in your life? Come visit us and immerse yourself in an environment of beauty, elegance, and sophistication, where you can escape from everyday worries.
We pride ourselves on creating a safe, clean, and private experience, prioritizing your needs to ensure your time with us is both pleasurable and professional. It’s no wonder that Hocking Ladies is highly esteemed among our clientele. 
We see ourselves not just as a venue, but as a sanctuary of sensual bliss where you can truly indulge in what you deserve. Come find out why we are so highly coveted.

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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! For any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us by phone, email, or simply visit us in person. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are here to assist you.